Which two EAV attribute fcontend_input types make use of source models?
Which one of the following class types directly charges a credit card when you capture an invoice in Magento admin?
A customer has complained that his reward points sum is inaccurate. In order to debug what has happened and to discover when changes were made to his reward points, where should you look for logging information?
Which table stores information about the relationship between configurable products and their child products?
How can you make a payment method store entire credit card numbers?
The final price for the product on the product view page is__________.
Which of the following items is NOT utilized in Magentos implementation of EAV-based data models?
What is the difference between the base grand total and grand total attributes of the order?
You have a product collection and want to add a filter to get all products whose name starts with Test or whose price is 0.00. Which of the following statements would add that OR condition?
When the Magento configuration is being loaded, all the XML files in app/etc and the module registration files under app/etc/modules/ are loaded first. After that step, in which order are the following items loaded? 1. Configuration from the core_config_data DB table 2. app/etc/local.xml 3. The etc/config.xml of all active modules