To update your order information from a third-party system using an XmlRpc call, you should _______________.
Which of the following layout XML directives will set a value on a block?
Given a grid interface that extends from Mage_Adminhtml_Block_widget_Grid, which of the following methods could you override to allow data to be loaded from a custom data collection?
When changes are made to more than one of a collection's items using setData ('some', 'value'), which of the following methods will save the changes in the collection?
You want to implement a custom attribute source model. Which method do you have to implement after extending Mage_Eav_Model_Entity_Attribute_Source_Abstract?
How can you make a payment method store entire credit card numbers?
When the Magento configuration is being loaded, all the XML files in app/etc and the module registration files under app/etc/modules/ are loaded first. After that step, in which order are the following items loaded? 1. Configuration from the core_config_data DB table 2. app/etc/local.xml 3. The etc/config.xml of all active modules
Which one of the following declares a Layout XML file?
What does Magento use to determine whether the automatically run upgrade scripts have been run yet?
Which of the following methods will force an EAV resource collection model to include an attribute in its result set?