What is the output of the following Linux command:
ls * .txt | cat > student
What is the output of the following Linux command?
$ touch f1 f2 f3
What is the output of the following Linux command:
$ touch –c f1
What is the output of the following Linux command:
$ wc –c filename
The following permissions are set for a file on your hard disk.
What would be the permissions applicable for the owner of the file?
In Linux, which of these is the incorrect use of the netstat utility.
A. Kill a TCP connection
B. Display the network connections
C. Route the tables
D. Interface statistics
E. Masquerade connections
F. Multicast memberships
Select a shell script to automate the following commands.
Switch to directory mydir.
List all the files of mydir.
Delete all the .txt files from mydir.
Which of the following is the correct set of Linux commands?

1. Create a directory mydir.
2. Create a file myfile.txt containing one line "this is my file".
Consider the following commands to assign values to shell variables:
SVar1 = 'Hello $USER !!!'
SVar2 = "Good Morning $USER !!!"
SVar3 = "Salary is $2000.00"
SVar4 = "Book Price is $5.00"
SVar5 = 'Hello Buddy!'
SVar6 = 'Good Morning!'
SVar7 = 'Good Evening!'

Select the correct output of displaying these variables.
You have a file, myfile that you want to compress and decompress with the gzip utility. Consider the following commands.
Command1 : To compress the file myfile. gzip myfile
Command2 : To decompress the compressed file. gunzip myfile.gz
Select the option that depicts the result of the above commands.