Of the statements below, which best describes the underlying process taken when a user connects to a PowerCenter Repository Service for the first time? For the puposes of this question, the PowerCenter Developer is the only PowerCenter client application running, there are 2 nodes in the domain, node 1 is a gateway node and node 2 is a worker node. The PowerCenter Repository Service is running on the worker node.
Which of the following is not a Transaction Control Variable?
Which command line tool would you use to import a workflow into a repository?
How does a single joiner transformation join data?
From within your folder, is it possible to make a non-reusable copy of a reusable transformation for use in a mapping?
Referring to the SQL Transformation: which statements is correct and true.
Can you use a Decode function to perform multiple searches based on a single search value?
The constant DD_INSERT may be used in an expression within which transformation or transformations? (choose one)
Please choose one of the following. In a static, non-multi-row lookup,
By default workflows always have a run status of succeeded. Identify the methods to change the run status of the workflow. For the puposes of this question, assume there are no worklets in the workflow.