Which of following statements is valid for Dynamic lookups?
In the Expression transformation graphic below, what is the value of the PREVIOUS_STATE port for row 2, given that the value for the STATE port was 'CA' for row 1?
What function could be used to exchange 'i' with 'I' in the COMPANY port given the following expression? functionname{1, COMPANY, 'i' , 'I')
Which port types are applicable to the Stored Procedure transformation?(Choose all that apply) Choose 3 answers
In which of the following selections are all of the transformations active?
Referring to an Unconnected Lookup transformation: Which one of the following is true? (choose one)
Given the picture shown below: Identify all of the true and correct statements listed below. Note: The red (or gray) arrow points at the line in question. The line on the left hand side of the picture which connects PRODUCT TO PRODUCT_COST : Choose 2 answers
Which of the following statements is correct on workflow events?
Two pipelines (A & B) are entering a Joiner transformation with each having a record size of 100 bytes. Pipeline A has a total of 1000 records and Pipeline B has a total of 1,000,000 records. Which pipeline should be designated the master pipeline?