Which of the following factors should a chief audit executive consider when determining the audit universe?
1. Components of the organization's strategic plan.
2. Inputs from senior management and the board.
3. Views of competitors and business associates.
4. Results of exit interviews with departing employees.
Which of the following evaluation criteria would be the most useful to help the chief audit executive determine whether an external service provider possesses the knowledge, skills, and other competencies needed to perform a review?
According to IIA guidance, which of the following is true regarding audit supervision?
1. Supervision should be performed throughout the planning, examination, evaluation, communication, and follow-up stages of the audit engagement.
2. Supervision should extend to training, time reporting, and expense control, as well as administrative matters.
3. Supervision should include review of engagement workpapers, with documented evidence of the review.
Which of the following best describes the four components of a balanced scorecard?
Which of the following is not a direct benefit of control self-assessment (CSA)?
An internal auditor is conducting a financial audit. Which of the following audit procedures is most appropriate when existing internal controls are weak?
A draft internal audit report that cites deficient conditions generally should be reviewed with which of the following groups?
1. The client manager and her superior.
2. Anyone who may object to the report's validity.
3. Anyone required to take action.
4. The same individuals who receive the final report.
Which of the following statements is true pertaining to interviewing a fraud suspect?
1. Information gathered can be subjective as well as objective to be useful.
2. The primary objective is to obtain a voluntary written confession.
3. The interviewer is likely to begin the interview with open-ended questions.
4. Video recordings always should be used to provide the highest quality evidence.
According to IIA guidance, which of the following statements is false regarding a review of the controls in place to prevent fraud?
According to IIA guidance, which of the following accurately describes the responsibilities of the chief audit executive with respect to the final audit report?
1. Coordinate post-engagement conferences to discuss the final audit report with management.
2. Include management's responses in the final audit report.
3. Review and approve the final audit report.
4. Determine who will receive the final audit report.