A client makes the following statement: "If you make us put property tags and numbers on major equipment, next we will have to put tags on every pen, pencil, and paper clip in the place." This is the argument that if a particular action is taken, it will inevitably lead to another, less desirable action. We may call this:
After implementation of a drop out recovery program, employment rate rose. The drop out recovery program is responsible for increases in employment and look for possible economic or other factors that might have contributed to the rise. This example may be referred towards:
For Example one exception in 1000 cases is probably not the reason enough to recommend overhauling the entire system, although the final answer must be derived from the context and the condition of the related control system. Which one of the following statements is clearly supported by this example?
A manager of a very controversial program may have stolen only $200, but the controversy and public accountability aspects may make the 200 significant, where it would not be material private sector financial statement opinion audit. It means:
Audit evidence:
Data gathering and evaluation during field work includes:
Compliance testing is designed primarily to:
Which one of the following is NOT an indicator of control weakness in derivatives?
Major categories of loans include all of the following EXCEPT:
__________ allows businesses that sell durable goods such as auto-mobiles to finance inventories. As the business sells goods, the loan advance against those goods is repaid.