A new payment plugin has been created and needs to be configured. The developer has already updated PaymentMethodConfigurations.xml and PaymentSystemPluginMapping.xml, which additional configuration file needs to be modified?
A business is using Extended Sites and have published AuroraStorefrontAssetStore, and has created two B2C stores (Store-A and Store-B) under the Extended Sites seller organization. Which of the following organizationswill customers of Store-A and Store-B belong to?
An application developer needs to define a new Web service and update different configuration files used in developing Web services. Which configuration file needs to be changed for mapping the new Web service to the transport listeners found in the WebServicesRouter project?
An application developer uses the stagingprop utility to propagate staged data and managed files from the production-ready data to the production server. The value specified for-consolidationSize is x in a staged table A. whose total number of unprocessed records in the STAGLOG table is z. The developer does NOT set the -scope to _all_. Which of the following conditions must be met if As entire set of unprocessed records in the STAGLOG table is fetched once?
An IBM WebSphere Commerce promotion data model has been extended and a
new custom table X_PX_EXTENDEDPROMOTION is created with the key as
PX_PROMOTION_ID. This new table will store Season and Year information
about each promotion. An application developer has executed the Data Server
Layer (DSL) Wizard and customized Management Center UI. The extended
promotion information is visible in the Management Center for business users.
Now, the business users would like to modify this extended promotion information
through the Management Center. Considering that the information is already visible
in the Management Center for business users, which two components in the DSL
need to be introduced or modified to allow business users to update the custom
promotion data?
An application developer created a new Task Command NotifyShopperTaskCmd to notify the shopper about the inventory of the items he inquired about. In a scheduled controller command, the developer needs to create this new task command which sends the notification. Which of the following is the correct implementation for the task command?
An organization uses IBM WebSphere Commerce with an external order management system for the order fulfillment process. Which table in IBM WebSphere Commerce is used exclusively for fulfillment purposes?
A developer is asked to remove the No Inventory option that appears in the Store Publish Wizard when publishing ExtendedSitesV2.sar. Which file should be modified in ExtendedSitesV2.sar before publishing?
When setting up a build a process using IBM WebSphere Commerce Build and Deploy, an application developer needs to store sensitive information, such as email server usernames and passwords. Which of the following is the most appropriate location to place these properties?