A company is using Federated Repository with 3 LDAP servers defined. Users and groups are synced to the ObjectServer. Some users cannot log in to the Tivoli Integrated Portal. The SystemOut.log shows this exception: [1/23/13 12:44:03:743 CST] 000000b5 exception E com.ibm.ws.wim.ProfileManager loginlmpl com.ibm.websphere.wim.exception.DuplicateLogonldException: CWWIM4538E Multiple principals were found for the 'jsmith' principal name. What can the administrator do to prevent the error?
The goal is a configuration that implements ObjectServer failover and fallback in the most efficient manner and in accordance with standard Best Practices. Which statement is true about configuring ObjectServer users in the LONDON_GATE property file?
When developing several new pages in a sandbox dev/test system for the WebGUI, the work is ready to migrate to production during a change control. How is the migration performed?