What is the most efficient way to terminate 1,000 instances of Business Processes (BP) from the dashboard interface?
How can a report be set to be stored on the file system?
An administrator at a company wants to receive batch email notifications containing the current Business Process (BP) state for BP that do not have the ompleted?or erminated?state by the time their deadline expires. The administrator asks the developer to modifythe ?ompleted?or ?erminated?state by the time their deadline expires. The administrator asks the developer to modify customer_overrides.properties in order to set up the batch notifications. Which configurations will meet the administrator's requirements?
How can a real-time overview of all the defined JDBC pools within a system be viewed?
Which XPath expression references a document in process data?
Assuming a system with configuration for tracking purchase orders as "PON", an operator needs to search for an inbound ASC X12 purchase order from a specific trading partner. Which correlation name should be selected along with the Sender ID from the Document Advanced Search?
The developer has a requirement to execute multiple threads and then continue once all have been completed. Which BPML activity should be used?
A developer has created and deployed a LWJDBC adapter with all the setting completed. The developer has used the following SQL in the SQL parameter UPDATE TEST SET CERT = O?WHERE CERTREVIEW = ?. parameter UPDATE TEST SET CERT = ?O?WHERE CERTREVIEW = ?. Which setting needs to be added into the configuration of the LWJDBC?
A company has implemented a Web Service (WS) in IBM Sterling B2B Integrator (SBI). The WS is using unencrypted HTTP as transport. The SBI is deployed as a single node instance. How can this transport be configured to be encrypted?
Given the following BPML, what will the value of "c" be in ProcessData when the Business Process (BP) completes successfully?