What statistical test should be used to assess whether the percentage differences observed in a crosstabs table could have occurred by chance?
The text file shown in the figure below is an example of a fixed format text file.
In the Variable View, if you have a series of variables that share the same category coding scheme, you can enter value labels for one variable, then copy these labels to the other variables.
For a variable salary we have the statistics as shown in the figure below. The reported Mean is incorrect because a value, -9999, is included in its calculation. How can this situation be fixed?
Which statement is true about this box plot?
Which statement is the correct interpretation of this crosstab table?

Consider the data file below and answer the following: The calculation of the mean of the variables X, Y, Z is contained in the variable Av_XYZ. What method was used to calculate the mean?
If you request an aggregated dataset or data file in the Aggregate procedure, the number of cases in the new aggregated file is equal to what?
What does the Paste button in this dialog box do?
If you use the IBM SPSS Statistics Select Cases dialog to conduct analysis on a subset of cases and you want to keep all cases in the same dataset, which option is appropriate?