During the IBM Maximo Asset Management V7.5 installation this option was selected: Run configuration step copy files now, but perform the installation configuration step later. What must be run to perform the installation configuration?
How would an IBM Maximo Asset Management V7.5 (Maximo) administrator ensure that only the sequential inbound interface cron task does not run on the User Interface (UI) Java Virtual Machine?
When the product installation program runs an upgrade task, it attempts to use values in the install.properties file and the maximo.propertiesfile. During the upgrade process, if the user name or password for a system is not updated, the installation program uses the credentials in the properties files. If the installation program cannot log in to a system with the credentials found in the properties files, the user is prompted to supply the correct information and updated values are written to the appropriate property file. Which property must always be current before an upgrade operation is attempted?