If a customer identifier field is populated, the values must be the same in order for these records to be matched. Which technique should be used when a field needs to be the same for all passes in a match?
You have to design a reference match. What is the optimal way to design candidate retrieval?
The county hospital is trying to determine the number of drivers they have treated that have been in car accidents based on the report provided by the highway patrol in the past month. Which match type would they use to determine this information?
The QualityStage match specification shows these two records to be matched: John J. Smith John R. Smith Which option would you use to break the two apart?
You just completed a match review session with the client. They have determined that fathers and sons with the same first name are being grouped together. Which of the following would be effective in breaking these two individuals apart?
Which field would you use for a match comparison type of UNCERT?
You re-ran a job to update the match frequency. This match frequency file is used in your test environment configuration on Match Designer. What action would you take to insure the most current Frequency file is used?
What input pattern does the following address produce when standardized by the USADDR rule set? 21 Wingate St Apt 601

Which of the following removes anomalies within the data after the process has determined the proper domain and parsed the data?
What is one of the the uses of a pre-processor rule set in standardizing your data?