You are performing a P8 installation. The site has already configured WebSphere Security along with SSL. Which statement below, with reference to running the FileNet Configuration Manager tool, is valid?
Which user account is used by the Content Engine to establish a connection with the application server, access the application servers Java Naming and Directory Interface (JNDI) tree, look up the data sources for accessing the GCD, and start up Content Engines background tasks?
The security administrator has created the Content Engine service user account and provided you the following ldif export information for the user: When running the Configure Local Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) task using the Content Engine Configuration Manager tool, what value should you use for the directory service bind user name field?
For a current production environment of Content Engine 4.5.1 and Process Engine 4.5.1 and a staged upgrade for only the Process Engine to 5.1 (Content Engine remains at 4.5.1), which of the following P8 clients will have to be installed as part of the upgrade process?