Dudley is looking to improve the performance on an XPages application he built for the marketing department. This application is not used by a large amount of users at one time. Which server page persistence setting would work best in this scenario?
Emily is preparing to build an application for using browsers. She is considering using XPages. Which of the following statements about XPages is not valid?
Catherine has upgraded her development server from 8.5.1 to 8.5.2. She wants to take advantage of 8.5.2 functionality now, but when she tries to save her XPages, they are generating error messages saying that the functionality is not supported in 8.5.1, which is the minimum supported version for this application. How can Catherine resolve this problem?
The Discussion Topics XPage includes a button to take users to the Feedback XPage. Ted has created the Feedback XPage. He now wants to add a Save and close button that saves the user's input, and take the user back to the Discussion Topics XPage. What is one way that he can do this task?
Olivia is writing a Discussion application using XPages. She added a button on her main topic XPage to create a response document for this discussion. What should she do to generate the response document?
Jane is updating a Supplier application for XPages. Currently the Supplier form has a table to allow up to 10 contacts to be assigned. Her users have complained that they often need to enter more. How can she best change the design to help them?
Juan is integrating an XPage application with his existing company intranet and wants to pull values from cookies. What server-side JavaScript code allows him to access cookies?