The clients hardware requirements outline that up to 125 concurrent IBM Datacap Taskmaster Capture Web users will need to be supported for their application. Which statement is true in determining the Taskmaster web server capacity?
Invoices which identified correctly in the past, using fingerprinting, are no longer being identified. Referencing the screenshot of the Fingerprint Maintenance Tool, which Fingerprint is a candidate for causing this type of behavior?
A consultant is asked to diagram a high level communication architecture diagram of IBM Datacap Taskmaster Capture and it's clients. What type of communication is used to access files in the batches?
A solution designer is reviewing a rough draft of the tasks configured in job XYZ to determine the proper Rulerunner thread configuration. The XYZ job contains a vscan batch creation task. What queuing mode setting is recommended for the Rulerunner server assigned to execute the XYZ job?
Which of the following is the minimum hardware recommended to operate an IBM Datacap Taskmaster Web server?
An enterprise is utilizing a computing environment in which the infrastructure resides at one location. What is the name of this IBM Datacap Taskmaster Capture deployment model?
An IBM Datacap Taskmaster administrator needs to setup a Verify task profile that can be completed through tmwebs Verifine interface or the thick client DotEdit interface. Which value should be selected for the tasks Program parameter?
A solution designer is attempting to implement FastDoc. The criteria is to have minimized impact to IBM Datacap Taskmaster Server and allow the user community to run batches locally. What are the three modes that FastDoc Capture can be run in and which mode BEST fits the user community's needs?
A solution designer has to configure Rules for an invoice billing application that will create the export file to be consumed by IBM Content Manager On-Demand (CMOD). Export rules are created and connected to the DCO in the DCO tab of the Datacap Studio. A Export File Header needs to be attached to which event at the batch level in the DCO?
A developer is placing an action on a field to copy the value of a batch level variable named StartTime to the field value for later export. Which action and parameters would be most appropriate for this task?