The Yarn Resource Managers (RM) have an option to embed an ActiveStandbyElector to decide which RM should be the Active. Upon which of the following is it based?
You need to set up a distributed storage system for being able to process very large data sets and you want to be able to leverage theOpen Data Platform (ODP) Core. Which one of the following would you use?
A media company wants to measure the effectiveness of their advertising campaign. Before they release a movie they prepare and run a campaign for promotion. Based on the response on Twitter and Facebook they want to decidewhetheror notthey should continue a particular campaign. Which of the following should be selected to meet these requirements?
For company B, 85% of their analytics queries only involve about 25% of their data; another 10% of the queries will touch 35% of the rest of the data, and only 5% of the queries will touch the remaining 40% of the data. The estimated volume is 50TB growing at 1 TB per year. Which of the following would providethe best value (business benefit) and lowest TCO?
A smart meter project is being undertaken by anElectric utility headquartered in San Francisco. They are looking for technology for monitoring thousands of meters, multiple times within an hour, and performing corresponding downstream advisory action to influence usage behavior. Which of the following would you recommend to function at the heart of this process?