In the OceanStor 9000, a node pool is a collection of nodes that have the same characteristics such as physical type and access performance, and DST allows a user to divide physical nodes in the same file system into node pools.
A customer's OceanStor 9000 big data storage system uses GE for the front-end network and 10GE for the back-end network. If the OceanStor 9000 is configured with four C nodes, only a basic cabinet is required.
For one or more Windows clients to access the storage resources on an OceanStor 9000 storage system, the administrator needs to create a directory under the root directory on the specified storage node and authorize the new directory to the target user or user group.
The %util value of back-end disks frequently exceeds 90% after the iostat command is run. This indicates that the bandwidth utilization is high and performance bottlenecks exist.
When planning RAID for an N8500 clustered NAS storage system, you are advised to configure RAID 10 for database services and random read/write services.
NFS is a method of sharing disk files between UNIX operating systems. NFS is also a file system protocol that allows applications on a client to store and obtain data on server disks through a network.