Which of the following is NOT the characteristics of the active-active mode of a storage controller?
Which is the correct formation order of the following elements in RAID 2.0+?
Which is NOT the limitation of DAS, compared with SAN?
Which statement is true about RAID 2.0+?
It is a hard-disk failure that occurs when a read-write head of a hard disk drive comes in contact with its rotating platter, resulting in permanent and usually irreparable damage to the magnetic media on the platter surface. Which of the following fits the above description?
Which are characteristics of the HUAWEI OceanStor V3 hardware? (Choose all that apply.)
Which of the following statements are NOT true? (Choose all that apply.)
Which of the following items is NOT mandatory in a Fibre Channel SAN? (Choose all that apply.)
Storage controllers can be separated from the chassis of disk enclosures. It does not need to be integrated in design with the disk enclosures.
Statement 1: a snapshot of a ThinLUN at creation does not occupy storage capacity. The snapshot of a ThickLUN at creation immediately occupies storage capacity.
Statement 2: When a snapshot of a ThickLUN exists, there is always space available to store changes to the original data.