There are two community-filters:
ip community-filter I permit 100:1 200:1
ip community-filter 2 permit 100:1
ip community-filter 2 permit 200:1
Which of the following statements are true?
Which of the following route selection tools can be used in multiple routing protocols, be configured with matching conditions, and be composed of if-match and apply clauses?
One route-policy may have several nodes and each node has a node ID. Each node may have multiple if-match
and apply clauses. Which of the following statements are true?
The configurations of the defined route-policy test are as follows:
ip community-filter I permit 100:1
ip AS-path-filter 2 permit 100$
Route-policy test permit node 10
If-match community-filter I
If-match AS-path-filter 2
apply as-path 200 _
Which of the following statements is true?