Which two features of Hitachi Copy-on-Write Snapshot enable the rapid creation of a data copy? (Choose two.)
When connecting modular storage to TagmaStore USP storage devices, a software tool must be used in order to define the Command Control Interface (CCI) and apply security. What is the name of the tool for defining the CCI and security?

An IT operations manager needs to forecast hardware purchases for the coming fiscal year. The manager has been assigned a HiCommand Tuning Manager login in order to accomplish this task. Which security level is appropriate for the manager?
A customer is using a 9585V storage array and is evaluating whether to upgrade to an AMS500 for performance reasons. Which statement is true?
A customer uses Copy-on-Write Snapshot to create a point-in-time copy (V-VOL) of their data for backup. When can the snapshot be used to backup the production data?