You need to monitor resources that are distributed over different projects in Google Cloud Platform. You want to consolidate reporting under the same Stackdriver Monitoring dashboard. What should you do?
You want to verify the IAM users and roles assigned within a GCP project named my-project. What should you do?
You need to create a new billing account and then link it with an existing Google Cloud Platform project. What should you do?
You are running an application on multiple virtual machines within a managed instance group and have autoscaling enabled. The autoscaling policy is configured so that additional instances are added to the group if the CPU utilization of instances goes above 80%. VMs are added until the instance group reaches its maximum limit of five VMs or until CPU utilization of instances lowers to 80%. The initial delay for HTTP health checks against the instances is set to 30 seconds. The virtual machine instances take around three minutes to become available for users. You observe that when the instance group autoscales, it adds more instances then necessary to support the levels of end-user traffic. You want to properly maintain instance group sizes when autoscaling. What should you do?
You deployed an App Engine application using gcloud app deploy, but it did not deploy to the intended project. You want to find out why this happened and where the application deployed. What should you do?