What is the essence of the principle 'Full Lifecycle Protection'?
For processing of personal data to be legal, a number of requirements must be fulfilled. What is a requirement for lawful personal data processing?
Under what EU legislation is data transfer between the EEA and the U.S.A. allowed?
According to the GDPR, for which situations should a Data Protection impact Assessment (DPIA) be conducted?
Important technical requirements set out in the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) are about data quality. One is the obligation to ensure appropriate security, including protection against unauthorized or unlawful processing. What is another important technical requirement?
According to the GDPR, what is a mandatory topic in a DPIA report?
The GDPR states that records of processing activities must be kept by the controller. To whom must the controller make these records available, if requested?
Which situation is considered a data breach according to the GDPR?
According to the GDPR, what is the main reason to consider data protection in the initial design phase?
A personal data breach has occurred and the controller is writing a draft notification for the Supervisory Authority. The document describes the nature of the breach and its possible consequences. It also contains information on the parties that can provide additional information on the data breach to the Supervisory Authority. What other information should the controller add?