Bepin Babu felt somewhat better the next morning.
After breakfast, he rang up his office, gave some instructions and then procured a first class ticket for Ranchi for the same evening.

The trip to Ranchi will
Bepin Babu felt somewhat better the next morning.
After breakfast, he rang up his office, gave some instructions and then procured a first class ticket for Ranchi for the same evening.

He was going to Ranchi
"Listen, Chuni-I want to ask you something. You have a good memory, and you've been seeing me off and on for a long time. Just throw your mind back and tell me-did I go to Ranchi in' 58 ?"

By this time the speaker had been to Ranchi
Bepin Babu felt somewhat better the next morning.
After breakfast, he rang up his office, gave some instructions and then procured a first class ticket for Ranchi for the same evening.

Bepin Babu was feeling better after meeting
"Listen, Chuni-I want to ask you something. You have a good memory, and you've been seeing me off and on for a long time. Just throw your mind back and tell me-did I go to Ranchi in' 58 ?"

Chuni had been seeing the speaker for a long time because he was
"Listen, Chuni-I want to ask you something. You have a good memory, and you've been seeing me off and on for a long time. Just throw your mind back and tell me-did I go to Ranchi in' 58 ?"

Chuni was at the moment (towards Bepin Babu)
Just before lunch Bepin Babu decided to ring up Dinesh Mukerji. It was better to settle the question over the phone ; at least the embarrassment on his face wouldn't show.

The word 'embarrassment' means the same as
Just before lunch Bepin Babu decided to ring up Dinesh Mukerji. It was better to settle the question over the phone ; at least the embarrassment on his face wouldn't show.

Bepin Babu decided to ring up Dinesh Mukerji because
Just before lunch Bepin Babu decided to ring up Dinesh Mukerji. It was better to settle the question over the phone ; at least the embarrassment on his face wouldn't show.

Dinesh Mukerji was
"Very strange. One evening I had tea with you in a veranda of your bungalow. You spoke about your family. You said you had no children, and that you had lost your wife ten years ago."

The man who had lost his wife was