Pull your socks up
Stand up straight
Say thank you
Don't Interrupt
No one thinks you're funny
Take your elbows off the table
Can't you make your own
mind up about anything?

When there is no liberty, the child cannot
Pull your socks up
Stand up straight
Say thank you
Don't Interrupt
No one thinks you're funny
Take your elbows off the table
Can't you make your own
mind up about anything?

The speaker does not allow
Pull your socks up
Stand up straight
Say thank you
Don't Interrupt
No one thinks you're funny
Take your elbows off the table
Can't you make your own
mind up about anything?

In the above lines, the speaker is
Pull your socks up
Stand up straight
Say thank you
Don't Interrupt
No one thinks you're funny
Take your elbows off the table
Can't you make your own
mind up about anything?

The above lines are addressed to
Pull your socks up
Stand up straight
Say thank you
Don't Interrupt
No one thinks you're funny
Take your elbows off the table
Can't you make your own
mind up about anything?

The child stops speaking when asked
Pull your socks up
Stand up straight
Say thank you
Don't Interrupt
No one thinks you're funny
Take your elbows off the table
Can't you make your own
mind up about anything?

To behave In public one needs
Grown-ups say things like:
Speak up
Don't talk with your mouth full
Don't stare
Don't point
Don't pick your nose

How far are the Instructions liked by the children?
Grown-ups say things like:
Speak up
Don't talk with your mouth full
Don't stare
Don't point
Don't pick your nose

Who have the habit of always Instructing the child?
Grown-ups say things like:
Speak up
Don't talk with your mouth full
Don't stare
Don't point
Don't pick your nose

The constructions are given so that
The lesson of the poem Is that the grown ups must