Which of the following statements is/are real?
I. Domestic garbage is not useful.
II. Polythene bags are easily found in domestic garbage.
III. Domestic garbage is used to make bio-gas.
Select the correct option:
Which of the following statements is/are real?
I. All bananas are sweet.
II. Some bananas are not good to eat.
III. Banana is a necessity of life, one can die without it.
Select the correct option:
Which of the following statements is/are real?
I. All humans breath while sleeping.
II. Some humans can stop breathing for few seconds.
III. Paul Etal did not take a single breath during his life time of 70 years in 18th century.
Select the correct option:
Which one of the following statements is real?
I. All dogs bite human beings when they see humans.
II. Some dogs are pet.
III. Dog is the only pet animal on Earth.
Select the correct option:
Which one of the following statements about bags is imaginary?
Which one of the following is an imaginary statement?
Which statement about cartoon characters is imaginary?
Which one of the following facts about television programmes is imaginary?