Sandy was very excited. It was her fifth birthday. She wanted a special gift. Her mother got her a little kitten. Sandy was very happy. The kitten was white in colour. She named the kitten Snow White. When Sandy was asleep, Snow white would lick her to wake her up. Sandy would play all day with her little friend.
What did Snow White do to wake up Sandy?
Sandy was very excited. It was her fifth birthday. She wanted a special gift. Her mother got her a little kitten. Sandy was very happy. The kitten was white in colour. She named the kitten Snow White. When Sandy was asleep, Snow white would lick her to wake her up. Sandy would play all day with her little friend.What was the name of the kitten?
Sandy was very excited. It was her fifth birthday. She wanted a special gift. Her mother got her a little kitten. Sandy was very happy. The kitten was white in colour. She named the kitten Snow White. When Sandy was asleep, Snow white would lick her to wake her up. Sandy would play all day with her little friend.
The kitten was ___ in colour.
Sandy was very excited. It was her fifth birthday. She wanted a special gift. Her mother got her a little kitten. Sandy was very happy. The kitten was white in colour. She named the kitten Snow White. When Sandy was asleep, Snow white would lick her to wake her up. Sandy would play all day with her little friend.
Why was Sandy excited?