Two pipes of lengths 2500 m each and diameters 80 cm and 60 cm respectively, are connected in parallel. The coefficient of friction for each pipe is 0.006 and the total flow is 250 litres/s. The rates of flow in the pipes are nearly
A fluid of mass density 1790 kg/m3 and viscosity 2.1 Ns/m2 flows at a velocity of 3 m/s in a 6 cm diameter pipe. The head loss over a length of 12 m pipe will be nearly
Which of the following characteristics regarding fluid kinematics is/are correct?
1. Streamline represents an imaginary curve in the flow field so that the tangent to the curve at any point represents the direction of instantaneous velocity at that point.
2. Path lines, streamlines and streak lines are identical in steady flow.
To maintain 0.08 m 3/s flow of petrol with a specific gravity of 0.7, through a steel pipe of 0.3 m diameter and 800 m length, with coefficient of friction of 0.0025 in the Darcy relation, the power required will be nearly
The diameter of a nozzle d for maximum transmission of power through it, is
A domestic food freezer maintains a temperature of –15°C. The ambient air temperature is 30°C. If heat leaks into the freezer at the continuous rate of 1.75 kJ/s, the least power necessary to pump this heat out continuously will be nearly
An ideal gas is flowing through an insulated pipe at the rate of 3 kg/s. There is a 10% pressure drop from an inlet to exit of the pipe. The values of R = 0.287 kJ/kgK and T o = 300 K. The rate of energy loss for the pressure drop due to friction, will be nearly
A cyclic heat engine operates between a source temperature of 800°C and a sink temperature of 30°C. The least rate of heat rejection per Kw net output of engine will be nearly
A fictitious pressure that, if it acted on the piston during the entire power stroke, would produce the same amount of net work as that produced during the actual cycle is called