Multiple component incidents consist of a combination of two or more attacks in a system. Which of the following is not a multiple component incident?
Computer Forensics is the branch of forensic science in which legal evidence is found in any computer or any digital media device. Of the following, who is responsible for examining the evidence acquired and separating the useful evidence?
The network perimeter should be configured in such a way that it denies all incoming and outgoing traffic/ services that are not required. Which service listed below, if blocked, can help in preventing Denial of Service attack?
A US Federal agency network was the target of a DoS attack that prevented and impaired the normal authorized functionality of the networks. According to agencys reporting timeframe guidelines, this incident should be reported within two (2) HOURS of discovery/detection if the successful attack is still ongoing and the agency is unable to successfully mitigate the activity. Which incident category of the US Federal Agency does this incident belong to?
When an employee is terminated from his or her job, what should be the next immediate step taken by an organization?
A threat source does not present a risk if NO vulnerability that can be exercised for a particular threat source. Identify the step in which different threat sources are defined:
In the Control Analysis stage of the NIST's risk assessment methodology, technical and none technical control methods are classified into two categories. What are these two control categories?
Which of the following incident recovery testing methods works by creating a mock disaster, like fire to identify the reaction of the procedures that are implemented to handle such situations?
An incident is analyzed for its nature, intensity and its effects on the network and systems. Which stage of the incident response and handling process involves auditing the system and network log files?
Which among the following CERTs is an Internet provider to higher education institutions and various other research institutions in the Netherlands and deals with all cases related to computer security incidents in which a customer is involved either as a victim or as a suspect?