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Given a string S, the task is to create a string with the first letter of every word in the string.
Example 1:
Example 2:
Your Task:
You don't need to read input or print anything. Your task is to complete the function firstAlphabet
() which takes string S as input parameter and returns a string that contains the first letter of every word in S.
Expected Time Complexity: O(|S|)
Expected Auxiliary Space: O(|S|)
1 <= |S| <= 105
S contains lower case English alphabets
Words have a single space between them.
A beautiful matrix is a matrix in which the sum of elements in each row and column is equal.
Given a square matrix of size NxN. Find the minimum number of operation(s) that are required to make the matrix beautiful. In one operation you can increment the value of any one cell by 1.
Example 1:
Example 2:
Your Task:
You don't need to read input or print anything. Complete the function findMinOpeartion() that takes matrix and n as input parameters and returns the minimum number of operations.
Expected Time Complexity: O(N * N)
Expected Auxiliary Space: O(N)
1 <= N <= 100
1 <= matrix[i][j] <= 200
Given a square matrix of size N*N, print the sum of upper and lower triangular elements. Upper Triangle consists of elements on the diagonal and above it. The lower triangle consists of elements on the diagonal and below it.
Example 1:
Example 2:
Your Task:
You don't need to read input or print anything. Complete the function sumTriangles() that takes matrix and its size N as input parameters and returns the list of integers containing the sum of upper and lower triangle.
Expected Time Complexity: O(N * N)
Expected Auxiliary Space: O(1)
1 <= N <= 100
1 <= matrix[i][j] <= 100
Given a square matrix[][] of size N x N. The task is to rotate it by 90 degrees in an anti-clockwise direction without using any extra space.
Example 1:
Your Task:
You only need to implement the given function rotate(). Do not read input, instead use the arguments given in the function.
Expected Time Complexity: O(N*N)
Expected Auxiliary Space: O(1)
1 ≤ N ≤ 50
1 <= matrix[][] <= 100
Given a grid of n*m consisting of O's
and X's
. The task is to find the number of 'X' total shapes.
Note: 'X' shape consists of one or more adjacent X's
(diagonals not included).
Example 1:
Example 2:
Your Task:
You don't need to read or print anything. Your task is to complete the function xShape() which takes grid as input parameter and returns the count of total X shapes.
Expected Time Compelxity: O(n*m)
Expected Space Compelxity: O(n*m)
1 ≤ n, m ≤ 100