A user is having issues accessing file shares on a network. The network engineer advises the user to open a web browser, input a prescribed IP address, and follow the instructions. After doing this, the user is able to access company shares. Which type of remote access did the engineer enable?
Refer to the following access list. access-list 100 permit ip any any log After applying the access list on a Cisco router, the network engineer notices that the router CPU utilization has risen to 99 percent. What is the reason for this?
What does the following access list, which is applied on the external interface FastEthernet 1/0 of the perimeter router, accomplish?
router(config)#access-list 101 deny ip any log
router (config)#access-list 101 deny ip any log
router (config)#access-list 101 deny ip any log
router (config)#access-list 101 permit ip any any
router (config)#interface fastEthernet 1/0
router (config-if)#ip access-group 101 in