On the topic of upgrading a PCI card, which of the following are statements are TRUE? Choose all TRUE options.
Before adding adapter cards, for which combination of elements should you verify compatibility?
After performing an adapter upgrade, you should perform a new baseline and compare the results to the previous baseline values. Which of the following object monitors shows the amount of data sent to and from the NIC each second?
When verifying server adapter upgrades, which of the following methods would NOT be used for NIC verification?
For which of the following would you have to preset jumper settings.
If you suspect a network bottleneck after performing an adapter upgrade, which of the following actions can assist in eliminating the condition? Choose all TRUE options.
You want to upgrade adapter cards. Choose the option below that correctly specifies when you should update the system BIOS.
After performing an adapter upgrade, you should perform a new baseline and compare the results to the previous baseline values. Which of the following object monitors shows how many packets still have to be processed by the NIC?
Which of the following methods would you use to perform operational checks on new RAID controllers?
When adding new adapters, you need to follow Electrostatic Discharge (ESD) best practice procedures. Which of the following are incorrectly specified? (Choose all that apply)