A company has a requirement for up to 10 simultaneous conferences of four people each, and each conference requires 384-kbps to 128-kbps transrating and H.261 to H.263 video transcoding. What should this company purchase?
What is traditionally used in a H.323 gatekeeper to pool endpoints into groups?
A customer has a small group of users who do interactive video teaching from H.323 endpoints to H.320 videoconferencing systems. What should you do so that incoming calls can reach endpoints that are associated with a specific E.164 address?
A company would like to provide customized voice prompts for users who are dialing into videoconferences. Which component should be used to support customized voice prompts?
A new site is being planned with video terminals that support a maximum data rate of 768 kbps each. A DS-3 link with 45 Mbps is available for the site. Based on Cisco guidelines, how many video terminals can be placed at this site, considering that no Call Admission Control is available?
When routing to both audio and video devices, with which device does Cisco recommend enabling AAR?
How is a H.323 MCU defined in Cisco CallManager so that H.323 endpoints can communicate with endpoints that are controlled by Cisco CallManager?
Which device manages a H.323 zone that is composed of terminals, gateways, and MCUs?
A customer has deployed a centralized call-processing model in the organization. The customer would now like to deploy a Cisco VT Advantage camera on each IP phone to facilitate video calls and videoconferences. The customer has deployed a gatekeeper to provide Call Admission Control for the IP WAN. If the customer adds an MCU to each site, how will this impact the manner in which the media resource groups are configured in the Cisco CallManager cluster?
You have a customer that has a legacy H.320 videoconferencing system. The customer recently migrated to a converged network for voice and data, and would now like to include video. New ISDN gateways have been deployed to connect the legacy H.320 systems to the IP network. How should the Cisco CallManager cluster be configured so that the gatekeeper can provide Call Admission Control and resolve E.164 addresses?