When asked about IT skills gaps, where does "Speak business language" fall in a list of concerns?
What is a recommended technique for building a good relationship with someone who has a dominanting or very strong personality?
Which is a critical first step when thinking about how to communicate technical content to a senior business manager?

Which is a recommended approach for gaining trust from stakeholders that you understand their needs?
Business departments have each selected one person to represent their needs for an improved reporting system. Which is a recommended way to capture, confirm, and prioritize the requirements of the group of departments?
What is a primary benefit of asking questions to stakeholders who do not have strong decision authority over project funding, but who do have relevant experience?
Which discovery methods or aids are typically free?
Which discovery methods or aids typically cost a fee?
Which financial analysis term or technique identifies if an investment is of benefit to the company?
A Finance Director tells you that the company will begin to implement a "chargeback approach" on January 1 of next year. What approach would make it easiest for you to directly align user department costs with expenses paid by the IT department?