On joining Kartar Ltd. as Chief Financial Officer, Madhumita was allotted 500 shares of the company. Identify the type of incentive being described.
Boom Limited gives due weightage to the perquisites and prestige of job so that the designation helps to satisfy the psychological, social and esteem needs of an individual. Identify the type of incentive being described in the above lines.
On joining Foster Public School as a Physical Education teacher, Vikram realised that he did not have any freedom to introduce any changes in the sports activities being : carried out in the school. Identify the incentive which was being ignored by the school.
On the occasion of the Founders Day of the firm, Veena was felicitated with the certificate of best performer as a Business Development Manager. Identify the type of incentive being described in the above lines.
Which of the following is not an assumption of Maslow
It refers to all measures which are used to motivate people to improve performance,
Mohit recently got a raise in his salary due to annual increment. Which of his human needs is being satisfied through this?
These needs are most basic in the hierarchy of motivation theory and correspond to primary needs.
Effective motivation in the organisation does not contribute towards
It is defined as the process of guiding the efforts of employees and other resources to accomplish the desired objectives.