Which virus-scanning engine is NOT supported by ProxyAV?
Which of the following tracks client-server requests and server responses?
If a proxy server is seen in the external Internet as Web server, it is a forward proxy.
Which HTTP error code corresponds to the ProxySG default exception identifier icap_error?
What is the name of the Technical SupportWeb site where service requests can be reported?
What changes, when FIPS mode for Management Console is enabled?
Blue coat Director functions include the following (Choose all that apply) (a) Provide centralized initial setup and policy management (b) Configure secure gateway and WAN acceleration (c) Monitor hardware and software metrics and events on ProxySG appliances (d) Enable proxying and filtering of multicast UDP traffic
What preconditions should be satisfied in order to do initial configuration from a client computer via the URL https://proxysg.bluecodt.com:8083? (choose all that apply) (a) Client computer should be directly connected to ProxySG with a cross-over cable (b) ProxySG should have a pass-through card (c) ProxySG should be deployed in the bridging mode
What kind of object should be selected from button New in the New Action dialogue in the VPM that returns a coaching or splash page?
What are requirements for client's browser for notification and coaching pages to work properly?