If users wish to perform a wired activation, which browser(s) is/are supported?
What step can be taken to ensure the Enterprise proxy is applied to all users on a particular server?
What group would an end user need to be assigned to in order to use the BlackBerry Web Desktop?
Which of the following can contribute to a user not being able to send messages?
When searching for users with a specific software configuration assigned, the following message is displayed: The BlackBerry Administration Service cannot find the records you were looking for. Verify the search criteria you specified and try again.
What is the MOST likely cause and corrective action to take?
Which is a pre-configured group in a default install of the Blackberry Administration Service?
What activation setting is new at the server level for BlackBerry Device Service (BDS) 6.2?
To add a permission to a role or remove an existing permission from a role, which built-in role would be used?
What kind of file can be used to import new users to a server using the import new user s link?
What is the main function of the Enterprise Management Web Service?