Write a program To find sum of two integers without using ‘+’ operator.Take the numbers as p and q.
INPUT 1: -2,-3

INPUT 2: 30,20
OUTPUT 2: 50

INPUT 3: 1000 ,200
OUTPUT 3: 1200

INPUT 4 : 5 , 2.6
 OUTPUT 4: 7

INPUT 5: 1000,5
OUTPUT 5: 1005

You are given an array \(A\) of \(n\) elements as follows:


You need to find the maximum possible xor sum of any good subsequence of array\(A \).

Note: A subsequence \(S\) is defined as good if the following condition is satisfied:

For every \(a_i \)present in \(S\), \(a_{n-i+1}\) is also present in \(S\)

Input format

  • First line: Integer \(n\) denoting the size of the array
  • Second line: \(n \) space-separated integers denoting elements of the array \(A\)

Output format

  • Print a single integer denoting the maximum xor-sum of any good subsequence.


\(1 \le N \le 40\)

\(1 \le a[i] \le 10^9\)



Write a C++ program that will prompt the user to input ten integer values. The program will display the smallest and greatest of those values.

A sample output is shown below:

Enter 10 integer values

value 1: 10

value 2: 10

value 3: 20

value 4: 5

value 5: 1

value 6: 30

value 7: 24

value 8: 41

value 9: 20

value 10: 10

Greatest Value = 41

Smallest Value = 1