TF270002: An error occurred copying files: The specified path, file name, or both are too long.
In ASP.NET, the output caching is performed using the parameters Duration and VaryByParam.You have visited an online grocery store page ShowProducts.aspx?ProductID=Groceries and groceries products are returned. When the VaryByParam property is set to "NONE" and you visit ShowProducts.aspx?ProductID="fruits", what is the return value?
In ASP.NET, how will you create a stored procedure named stu that will return a list of names from the student table for some specific IDs in alphabetical order?
If the following ASP.NET code runs in ASP.NET MVC, what is the output?

namespace WebMVCOverloadActions.Controller {
    public class ClientController: Controller {
        public ActionResult GetClient() {
            return Content(""
                Client Name is Sam "");
        public ActionResult GetClient(String ClientCode) {
            return Content(""
                Client Name is Frank "");
An ASP.NET Web Form contains a submit button and the CheckBoxList control that contains five ListItem objects. Consider the following method that is used in the submit button click event to display the indexes of the selected list-item objects.

If multiple values are selected by the user and the submit button is clicked, what is the output?
In ASP.NET, which of the following HTML server controls is not programmable?
1. < input type=""text"" id=""id1"" runat=""server"" />
2. < input type=""submit"" id=""id2"" runat=""server"" />
3. < input type=""reset"" id=""id2"" runat=""sever"" />
You are required to control an auto-generated ID by specifying a suffix. This suffix should be merged with the ID property of the container control.
Which of these will you replace X with in the following ASP.NET code (from the web.config file) to enable this behavior?
<pages clientIDMode=""X""></pages>

You have a button (btnstr) on a page, a text (txtstr) box to enter a string and a label (lblsession) to display the text stored from the last session.

Which of the following options is the correct code to replace "XXX" and "YYY" in the given code snippet to perform the operation?
"public partial class _Default: System.Web.UI.Page {
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) {
    protected void btnstr_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) {
Determine the no. of pages that will be cached, if the requests arrived in the order specified in the given code snippet.

You have used the "name" parameter with the VaryByParam attribute as:
<% @ OutputCache Duration="60" VaryByParam="name" %>
Consider the given code snippet and determine which of the following statements is/are correct?

1. All users will be allowed to access only Register page to register on the website
2. Only authenticated users will be allowed to access all pages in the website
3. Anonymous users will only be allowed to access the register page
4. Anonymous users' access to the website will be denied
5. All users will be allowed to access all pages in the website
"<configuration> <
system.web >
    authorization >
    deny users = "" ? "" / >
    /authorization> <
    system.web >
    location path = ""
Register.aspx "" >
    authorization >
    allow users = "" * "" / >
    /authorization> <
    /system.web> <
    /location> <