A user account's password type is Open Directory. Which TWO authentication authorities will OS X Lion Server try to use, by default, to authenticate this user? (Choose 2.)
You want to configure SACLs that allow users to administer specific OS X Lion Server services. Which tool should you use to configure these SACLs?
Which protocol does the iChat service in OS X Lion Server use to send messages?
Using Server Admin, you are configuring email alerts to be sent to the system administrator of an OS X Lion Server. Which THREE of these server events can you select to trigger an alert? (Choose 3.)
Which two utilities are available from the Utilities menu when you start up from the Lion Recovery system partition?
Using the Server Status widget in OS X Lion Server, which of these services can you monitor?
A user named Robert has an existing user account. The user name associated with the account is Robert. Robert wants to access some of the services provided by an OS X Lion Server using Bob as his user name, rather than Robert. How can you accommodate his request?
Which service do you use to configure both OS X Lion computers and iOS devices?
What URL should you use on an iOS device to access a WebDAV-enabled share point that is hosted by an OS X Lion Server located at server.pretendco.com?
At PretendCo, users currently have to remember multiple names and passwords to access various servers. Which of these OS X Lion Server services can you deploy to let users access the servers using a single set of credentials?