While developing a skill, an Alexa Skill Builder finds that the voice response is too quick and needs tobe slowed down.
How can the Builder MOST efficiently iterate and test how the response will sound?
An Alexa Skill Builder is developing a skill using AWS Lambda. The Builder made some backend code changes, then tested the skill on an Amazon Echo device. When invoking the skill, Amazon Alexa replies with "There was a problem with the requested skill's response".
How can the Builder troubleshoot this problem?
An Alexa Skill Builder implemented the built-in intent AMAZON.HelpIntent. In some cases, users are asking for help using phrases that are specific to a skill's terminology. Amazon Alexa does not understand these phrases are help requests, and they are not being routed to AMAZON.HelpIntent.
According to best practices, how can this situation be corrected?
An Alexa Builder is working on a skill for music streaming. When a user says, "Alexa, stop" the skill needs to know where the user was in the song, so that when returning to the skill in a new session, the song can pick upwhere it left off.
Which section of the following JSON contains the data indicating where the song left off?
An Alexa Skill Builder is designing a skill with an intent that needs six slots to be filled. It is unlikely that a user will provide all the slot values in a single utterance, so the slot fulfillment should be split up into a multi-turn conversation.
What can the Builder do in the developer console to have Amazon Alexa elicit any missing slots, without specifying each of the slots in the backend code?
An Alexa Skill Builder is creating a skill that requires the user to authenticate by speaking a PIN before an order status can be retrieved.
According to best practices, how should the PIN value be collected?
An Alexa Skill Builder published a skill that streams sounds to help users relax. The skill is becoming very popular and is available in many different locales around the world. More than 20.000 users are using the skill every week, and more than 500 users are added daily. The sound files are stored in Amazon S3.
What can the Builder do to ensure low latency and the best possible streaming performance?