Which of the following options from the Style menu in the Options bar determines marquee proportions by dragging?
In the filter layers drop-down menu of the Layers panel, which of the following options filters the layers based on layer styles?
Which of the following options in the Batch dialog box of Photoshop CS6 is used to process files in the folder a user specifies?
Which of the following options in the Refine Edge dialog box is used to precisely adjust the border area in which edge refinement occurs?
Which of the following blending modes darkens the base color to reflect the blend color?
Which of the following keyboard shortcuts is used to remove a layer from a clipping mask between two layers?
Which of the following options helps you monitor and modify your work?
Which of the following Process Versions of Camera Raw is used in Camera Raw 7?
Which of the following is the function of the Hue tab in the HSL/Grayscale controls of Camera Raw? Use controls in this tab to specify the contribution of each color range to the grayscale version of the image.
Which of the following is NOT an option of Color LUT Adjustment?