Which operator is used to determine the type of a variable in JavaScript?

Answer & Solution

Answer: Option A
The typeof operator returns a string indicating the type of the unevaluated operand.
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A). number

B). string

C). undefined

D). object

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A). null

B). undefined

C). object

D). number

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A). 30

B). 1020

C). 30

D). NaN

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A). Number to String

B). String to Number

C). Boolean to String

D). Number to Boolean

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A). An error is thrown

B). The number is converted to a string

C). The string is converted to a number

D). Both are converted to boolean

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A). null

B). string

C). object

D). undefined

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A). null

B). number

C). undefined

D). object

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A). number

B). boolean

C). string

D). object

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A). number

B). string

C). NaN

D). undefined

How can you check if a variable is an array in JavaScript?

A). typeof variable === 'array'

B). Array.isArray(variable)

C). variable instanceof array

D). variable.constructor === array