Which of these is a correct array literal?

Answer & Solution

Answer: Option B
An array literal is defined using square brackets [].
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A). 42

B). 42

C). 0x42

D). 0b42

Which literal can contain mixed data types?

A). Object

B). Array

C). String

D). Number

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A). 'Hello, ${name}!'

B). Hello, ${name}!

C). Hello, ${name}!

D). templateHello, ${name}!

Which symbol represents a null literal?

A). undefined

B). null


D). none

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A). 1

B). 0

C). 1

D). 0

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let x = 0o10;

A). 8

B). 10

C). 16

D). 0

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A). []

B). {}

C). empty

D). Object()

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A). Symbol()

B). symbol('id')

C). Symbol('id')

D). symbol()

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A). BigInt(12345)

B). 12345n

C). bigint 12345

D). 12345N

Which of the following correctly defines a method in an object literal?

A). { name: 'Alice', greet: () => 'Hello' }

B). { name: 'Alice', greet() { return 'Hello'; } }

C). { name: 'Alice', greet: function() { return 'Hello'; } }

D). All of the above