Which of the following is true about the media attribute in the <link> tag when linking CSS stylesheets?

Answer & Solution

Answer: Option B
The media attribute in the <link> tag specifies the type of media content the CSS rules apply to, such as screen or print.
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In HTML, which tag is used to define inline styles directly within the HTML document?

A). A. <style>

B). B. <link>

C). C. <script>

D). D. <css>

Which of the following statements is true regarding the order of precedence in CSS styling?

A). A. Inline styles have the lowest precedence and are overridden by external stylesheets.

B). B. External stylesheets have the highest precedence and override inline styles.

C). C. Styles declared later in the HTML document take precedence over styles declared earlier.

D). D. Styles with more specific selectors override styles with less specific selectors.

Which attribute is used in the <link> tag to specify the location of the external CSS file?

A). A. src

B). B. rel

C). C. href

D). D. type

What is the primary disadvantage of using inline styles?

A). A. Increased file size of the HTML document.

B). B. Difficulty in maintaining consistency across multiple elements.

C). C. Limited scope for applying complex CSS rules.

D). D. Slower rendering of web pages.

How can you include comments in an external CSS file?

A). A. /* This is a comment */

B). B. // This is a comment

C). C. <!-- This is a comment -->

D). D. <!-- This is a comment -->

Which CSS property is used to specify the font size of text?

A). A. text-size

B). B. font-size

C). C. size

D). D. font-style

Which attribute in the <style> tag is used to specify the type of stylesheet being used?

A). A. type

B). B. rel

C). C. src

D). D. href

How do you link an external CSS file named 'styles.css' located in the same directory as your HTML file?

A). A. <link src='styles.css' rel='stylesheet'>

B). B. <link href='styles.css' type='text/css'>

C). C. <link rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' href='styles.css'>

D). D. <style src='styles.css'>

In which section of the HTML document should the <link> tag for external CSS files typically be placed?

A). A. Inside the <head> section.

B). B. Immediately after the opening <body> tag.

C). C. At the end of the HTML document, just before the closing </html> tag.

D). D. Inline within the HTML elements where styles are applied.

What is the purpose of the type attribute in the <link> tag when linking CSS stylesheets?

A). A. It specifies the MIME type of the linked CSS file.

B). B. It defines the rendering mode for the CSS file.

C). C. It sets the relationship between the HTML file and the CSS file.

D). D. It determines the location of the CSS file.