Which of the following is true about function scope in JavaScript?

Answer & Solution

Answer: Option B
Function-scoped variables are accessible only within the functions in which they are defined.
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Which keyword is used to declare a function-scoped variable?

A). var

B). let

C). const

D). function

What is the difference between let and var in terms of function scope?

A). let is block-scoped, var is function-scoped

B). let is function-scoped, var is block-scoped

C). They are both block-scoped

D). They are both function-scoped

Can function-scoped variables be accessed from outside their functions?

A). Yes

B). No

C). Only if they are constants

D). Only if they are defined globally

What is lexical scoping in JavaScript?

A). Variables scoped to the entire codebase

B). Variables scoped to their functions

C). Variables scoped based on their position in the code

D). Variables scoped based on their names

What is the benefit of block scope in JavaScript?

A). It reduces variable conflicts

B). It increases global scope

C). It simplifies variable declarations

D). It makes variables inaccessible

What is the purpose of function scope in JavaScript?

A). To limit the visibility of variables

B). To make variables global

C). To create constants

D). To execute functions

What is the output of console.log(outerVar); outside of outerFunction if var outerVar = 'Outer'; is defined inside outerFunction?

A). Outer

B). undefined

C). Error

D). null

What is function scope in JavaScript?

A). Variables defined within a function

B). Variables defined outside a function

C). Variables defined within an object

D). Variables defined globally

How do you declare a block-scoped variable in ES6?

A). var

B). let

C). const

D). function

What is the output of console.log(blockVar); outside of a block if let blockVar = 'Block'; is defined inside a block?

A). Block

B). undefined

C). Error

D). null