Which of the following correctly demonstrates a function returning another function?

Answer & Solution

Answer: Option A
A function returning another function is correctly demonstrated as function outer() { return function() { alert('Inner'); }; }.
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What will be the output of the following code? var sayHi = function() { return 'Hi'; }; console.log(sayHi());

A). Hi

B). undefined

C). sayHi

D). function

Which of the following is an example of using a function as a return value?

A). function outer() { return function() { alert('Inner'); }; }

B). function outer() { function() { alert('Inner'); }; return; }

C). function outer() { function() { alert('Inner'); }; }

D). function outer() { return function { alert('Inner'); }; }

How do you assign a function to a variable in JavaScript?

A). var greet = function() { alert('Hello'); };

B). var greet = function { alert('Hello'); };

C). function greet() { alert('Hello'); }

D). var greet = function alert('Hello');

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A). var obj = { method: function() { alert('Hello'); } };

B). var obj = { method() { alert('Hello'); } };

C). Both A and B

D). var obj = { function method() { alert('Hello'); } };

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A). 12

B). 34

C). multiply

D). undefined

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A). var add = (a, b) => { return a + b; };

B). var add = (a, b) => return a + b;

C). var add = (a, b) => { a + b };

D). var add = (a, b) { return a + b; };

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A). Hello, Alice

B). Hello, undefined

C). Hello, name

D). undefined

How do you define an anonymous function assigned to a variable?

A). var anon = function() { alert('Anonymous!'); };

B). var anon = function { alert('Anonymous!'); };

C). function anon() { alert('Anonymous!'); }

D). var anon = function anonymous() { alert('Anonymous!'); };

What is the term for a function that is passed as an argument to another function?

A). Callback function

B). Nested function

C). Helper function

D). Inner function

How do you define a function using a function expression?

A). var myFunc = function() { alert('Hello'); };

B). function myFunc() { alert('Hello'); }

C). var myFunc = function { alert('Hello'); };

D). var myFunc() { alert('Hello'); }