Which method returns the primitive value of a Number object?

Answer & Solution

Answer: Option B
The valueOf() method returns the primitive value of a Number object.
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Which method can convert a number to a different base (e.g., hexadecimal)?

A). toString()

B). parseInt()

C). toFixed()

D). valueOf()

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A). 4

B). 5

C). 45

D). 123

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A). toFixed(2)

B). toExponential(2)

C). toPrecision(2)

D). toString(2)

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A). 255

B). 11111111

C). ff

D). 10

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A). 12

B). 34

C). NaN

D). undefined

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A). 123

B). NaN

C). 123abc

D). undefined

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A). 1

B). 0

C). NaN

D). undefined

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A). isNaN()

B). isFinite()

C). Number()

D). toFixed()

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A). 1

B). 0

C). NaN

D). undefined

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A). parseFloat()

B). toFixed()

C). toPrecision()

D). Number()