Which event is triggered when a user presses a key?

Answer & Solution

Answer: Option C
The 'keydown' event is triggered when a user presses a key.
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A). resize

B). resizestart

C). resizeend

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A). submit

B). send

C). post

D). formsubmit

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A). element.addEventListenerOnce('click', handler)

B). element.once('click', handler)

C). element.addEventListener('click', handler, { once: true })

D). element.on('clickOnce', handler)

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A). blur

B). change

C). focusout

D). input

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A). event.target

B). event.srcElement

C). event.element

D). event.currentElement

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A). click

B). mouseclick

C). mousedown

D). mouseup

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A). event.preventDefault()

B). event.stopPropagation()

C). event.prevent()

D). event.stopDefault()

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A). click

B). dblclick

C). doubleclick

D). clicktwo

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A). Stops the event from propagating

B). Stops the default action of the event

C). Stops the event handler

D). Stops the event

What is the use of the event.stopPropagation() method?

A). Stops the default action of the event

B). Stops the event from propagating

C). Prevents the event from being fired

D). Prevents the event from bubbling