How would you write a string that spans multiple lines in JavaScript?
A). This is line one. This is line two.
B). This is line one.\nThis is line two.
C). 'This is line one.\nThis is line two.'
D). Both B and C
How would you include a backslash character in a string in JavaScript?
A). \
B). /
C). \b
D). \s
Which of the following strings contains a single quote character?
A). 'It's sunny today.'
B). It's sunny today.
C). It's sunny today.
D). 'It's sunny today.'
How can you represent the Unicode character for the euro symbol () in JavaScript?
A). \u20A0
B). \u20A1
C). \u20AC
D). \u20AD
Which of the following characters is considered a special character in JavaScript?
A). !
B). @
C). #
D). All of the above
What does the escape sequence \r represent in JavaScript?
A). Newline
B). Carriage return
C). Tab
D). Form feed
Which Unicode code point represents the character 'A'?
A). U+0040
B). U+0041
C). U+0042
D). U+0043
Which of the following escape sequences represents a vertical tab character in JavaScript?
A). \v
B). \t
C). \b
D). \f
What is the Unicode escape sequence for the character 'Z'?
A). \u005A
B). \u007A
C). \u005B
D). \u007B
How would you represent the Unicode character '' in JavaScript?
A). \u00E9
B). \u0065
C). \u00C9
D). \u00F9